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Paper Marbling  is a method of aqueous surface design, which could produce patterns similar to smooth marble or other kinds of stone. The patterns are the result of color floated on either plain water or a viscous solution known as size, and then carefully transferred to an absorbent surface, such as paper or fabric. Through several centuries, people have applied marbled materia to a variety of surfaces. It is often employed as a writing surface for calligraphy and especially book covers and endpapers in bookbinding and stationery. Marbling paper is still made today, these project were series of art work mainly based on marbling and combined two techniques, one is marbling ,another is collage. First, I made a lot of colorful and variety of paper marbling. Second, turned these paper with vivid and colourful pattern into pieces, collaged on three wood boards and three model hands as background and decoration . Finally, it looks like 3 hands reached out from those 3 panels.


This project also turned into another form. I use photograph of this project as images to make a book jacket and in - page. And I wrote down a tail to present what I wanted to tell.  The following is an excerpt from the story.“ In a bustling town, there was a little girl whose name is Vivian. She came from a wealthy family. Vivian has lots of lovely dollys, beautiful dress, and colorful hairpin. She could get everything she wants easily but never feel satisfied with what she've already got. She still wants to beg more and more fabulous thing . ”


Why most of people tend to be greedy unconsciously ? I think it is necessary to lauch an issue that we should keep reflecting  ourselves that what we done.

It is an art work of irony for this morden society. Those colorful background was showed how rich and good life we already had. Those three hands reached out were presented those people beg more and more fabulous things. And last, I put gold beads to decorated those hands to emphasize that the more beautiful, the more greedy .  


There were many things that we tend to take them for granted and don't even realize how rich we are. Happiness is not having what you want, it's wanting what you have.

浮水印是土耳其的傳統藝術技巧,此印刷project是向浮水印致敬,從頭開始研究水溶液的溶劑、溶液的成分和比例,還有哪種顏料可以創造出最美的效果,實驗過程很漫長但也很有成就感,顏料在水面上可以利用工具畫出很多獨一無二的圖案,我將已經充滿美麗浮水印的紙用剪貼(collage)的方式黏於木板上和模具手上,並且用金色串珠做裝飾,做成一項art work,最後將art work 拍攝後,做成一本故事書。


collage hand
collage hand
collage board with golden spray
collage hand
collage hand
collage hand
book content
spine of a book
book cover
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